Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'm Finished Painting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the colour, although it turned out a little darker in the picture. It's lighter than what's showing, but close enough. I am going to be putting all my paint supplies away because I am sick to death of looking at them already. I'm so happy!!


At Friday, May 18, 2007 6:16:00 AM, Blogger Jenn said...

Yay! Finally.. hey. I am so glad you finished before I came to visit! lol.

Like the color.. cant wait to see it. I will be "home" in a few weeks.. cant wait!!

At Friday, May 18, 2007 2:06:00 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

I love earthy colors (colours) like that.

Which room did you paint?

At Friday, May 18, 2007 7:49:00 PM, Blogger Char said...

I painted the whole living/dining area, the front hall, up the stairwell and the upstairs hallway. And the livingroom ceiling. Primer and two coats of paint. AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!! LOL

It took me alot longer than I'd set out, but I'm so happy I've finally finished. Now I don't want to put our "old" stuff back up on the walls! I need new stuff!!! I have a few ideas already, but it'll take time. It's kind of nice right now with the freshly painted walls and not much hanging on them. I'm sure I'll get sick of that, but I like it like that right now.

At Friday, May 18, 2007 8:12:00 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Can you please come to my house? I need to paint my kids bedroom and I'm procrastinating lol.

What a big project you did. My house is painted the same colour inside - a bit lighter though - could probably stand to be a shade darker, but I'm not ambitious enough to do it lol.

Congrats on getting it all finished!

At Saturday, May 19, 2007 7:52:00 AM, Blogger Shannon said...


We painted our family room and realized how crappy the carpet looked, so we replaced that. Then we realized how crappy the furniture looked....and stopped there. It was getting too expensive, LOL.

I LOVE freshly painted new things.


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